Wednesday 21 March 2012

Malcolm Turnbull, the best leader Labor never had

The word is that Malcolm Turnbull was tossing up whether to join the ALP or the Libs, and the coin came down Liberal. Malcolm's trouble is that he doesn't quite fit anywhere. Lots of people would like him to be the leader of the Liberal Party -- the trouble is, they wouldn't vote Liberal in a fit. It's true he holds Wentworth, a seat no other Liberal could win, for which the party is grateful. Wentworth has more Jewish voters than just about any other seat in Australia, loads of gays and other alternative lifestyle types. It's a tough seat for a Lib.

You've got to like Malcolm's style. He was brought up by a single parent -- in one of the most expensive pieces of real estate in Australia. He made a killing in the early days of the Internet age with Ozemail, enough to put him on the BRW Rich List for while. He's not megawealthy, but then he doesn't sue his kids or join the nutters who say the CIA --- along with Rockefellers, always popular with the fruit loops -- is trying to destroy our coal industry. He's has that investment banker sheen that stockbrokers covet. Definitely not typical Labor material, but then again nor were Gough Whitlam or 'Doc' Evatt.

But progressive? You want progressive? Malcolm's progessive, all the way from gay marriage to sovereign wealth funds. He wants a conscience vote for Liberals on gay marriage, which is against the policy the Libs took to the election. He wants another sovereign wealth fund. We already have one, with $77 billion in assets, ready to pay for one of Gough Whitlam's greatest follies, defined benefit pensions for public servants.
Malcolm just doesn't fit anywhere. And the people who want him to be Top Liberal are ALP voters.

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