Tuesday 20 March 2012

Defence, graveyard of careers

One only had to look at Steve Smith's face on Monday to realise he had just had a big, steaming pile of excreta dumped into his lap. When the report on 'Kate's' mistreatment at ADFA finally emerged, Steve didn't want be anywhere near it.. Afghanistan is said to be the graveyard of empires, as everyone from Alexander the Great to the Soviets found out. Well, now Stephen Smith is finding out why Defence is the graveyard of careers. On Friday, you can imagine thinking  'Thank God I backed Julia instead of flipping to Kevin Rudd. On Monday I'll be back at DFAT, where the biggest threat is from cirrhosis of the liver due to the \fine wines I'll be consuming at all the national days I'll be attending.' What happens? Bob Carr is parachuted in and promptly pisses off our closest neighbor by saying we will impose sanctions on Papua New Guinea if they don't hold their elections on time. Hello, Bob! Sanctions are the  things we impose on naughty people like the Iranians, who are building nukes, not our friends and allies. As for ADFA -- why did we ever get rid of Duntroon? What parent would want their daughter going to ADFA if some ill mannered lout films her in an intimate situation so he can amuse his mates? Sorry, officers don't do that sort of thing. Get rid of the lot of them, they don't deserve to wear our uniform. As for the armed forces being unhappy with Smith, haven't they heard of the chain of command? Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die?

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