Tony Abbott doesn't try to disguise the fact that he doesn't know much about economics. Sorry Tony, politics these days is all about economics. Whatever he studied at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, it wasn't economics. The Coalition economic policy is sheer fantasy -- roll back taxes like the mining tax, the carbon tax and just about everything else then add a variety of new programs plus tax cuts for individuals and companies, not to forget free dentistry and female executives getting $75,000 a year while they pop out a baby before handing it over to an au pair.
There is a way to do it - abolish Health and Education and hand back the functions to the States, where they were before Jolly John Gorton was set loose on the Budget, and where they should be now. As for the bipartisan push for handicapped 'insurance' I'll leave that for another day. Tony, you may remember this because you were part of the government, there's this thing called the GST -- the Goods and Services Tax. Very few people were deluded enough to think that the people who were supposed to get it -- namely the States -- would get it without the Feds putting their grubby finger marks all over it. And who's dishing it out now, equalisation payments and all? The Treasury!
Tony, I think you're beyond saving. The Packers gave you a job on the Bulletin, which Kerry notoriously used to peddle influence, you wrote some leaders for the Oz. People just don't like you. Unless you fall head first off your bike speeding down the Bulli Pass you'll probably be PM one day, but you'll be even worse than Malcolm Fraser. At least he did nothing. You'll probably have the urge to do 'something' and that's much worse than doing 'nothing'.
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